
Neuro-Com at the ECAM

September 19, 2023

Image credit and ©: Fundación HM Hospitales

Neuro-Com has participed by giving a talk at the 'Applied Neuro-psychocinematics Conference' aimed at media professionals, held last week at the ECAM (Escuela de Cinematografía y del Audiovisual de la Comunidad de Madrid), in Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid). The conference was held on September 13, 2023 within the framework of a Neurocinematics chair.

The talk was titled 'Style, content, and training of audiovisual perception' and addressed recent results on how the brain manages different elements of audiovisuals, such as the style and the content. It also included some references to how media professionalization affects long-term visual perception.

The attendees were mostly film school students interested in knowing how the human brain perceives audiovisual content.


Dpt. Comunicació Audiovisual i Publicitat. Edifici I. Facultat de Comunicació. Campus Bellaterra.
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 08193. Cerdanyola del Vallès. Barcelona, Spain.
Email: info(at)
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